How Strong Positioning Helps Construction Firm Thrive

How A Strong Core Value Positions a Construction Company to Survive and Thrive During a Pandemic

Just when we all thought the pandemic was in the rear view mirror, it appears there may be more COVID winter still ahead of us. One day of disruption can lead to nasty consequences in the building industry, much less these past several months of constricted oxygen, but Absher Construction attributes their strong brand position to staying focused, positive, and productive.

We launched Absher’s sparkling new website last year and during the process we prioritized their position, promise, and personality to accurately tell their story. Their website goal was to not only showcase their impressive project portfolio, but attract qualified talent and retain the company’s current team by showing how much they appreciated them. Their entire web experience was positioned around their core value, We Care About People.

“By agreeing on one positioning platform based on our first core value, our leadership team was able to prioritize messaging throughout the website and in all communications.” Says Erin Mayer, Marketing Director for Absher. “It kept us focused on our message and made the process so much more efficient. When you have a good platform to build from, the structure goes up so much easier.”

When the epidemic hit, their values came in handy from the beginning. The leadership team sprung into action with frequent meetings to stay on top of the quickly changing conditions. Instead of layoffs, they brainstormed ways to keep displaced workers busy, like building extra hand washing stations at job sites to comply with new hygiene rules and tackle long-needed projects at the corporate office.

In the spirit of an inclusive and motivating culture, a different senior leader was tasked with sending out email communication each day under the themes of “Motivational Mondays”, “Tech Tuesdays”, “Wellness Wednesdays”, “Thinking Thursdays”, and “Good News Fridays”. This helped ease tension and keep staff connected and comfortable. The plan was so well received that it continues to this day.

In order to keep thriving and surviving, Absher’s team has quickly adapted to the new realities. They were already exploring virtual reality when we visited years ago, allowing clients to view projects in a virtually completed state and making revisions far less painless. They also walk through job sites capturing the progress on video to minimize face to face meetings.

New protocols at job sites ensure worker and contractor safety, including mandatory temperature-taking and screening. Masks are not only required, they are heralded as a badge of honor and respect about caring for fellow workers and helping them stay safe and virus-free.

Erin also notes her biggest pride point: They have already won two new project contracts while the bid team was separated and confined under the state’s stay-at-home order.

“This is a testament to a team that cares about one another,” Erin says. “Each member of the team steps up to do his or her job in the best interest of the company and its people, and the crisis has only drawn out the best qualities in all of us.”

A strong brand is achieved by bringing together all stakeholders and agreeing on the one core value that you passionately believe in, that sets you apart from the sea of sameness, and can be relied upon as a touchstone when making business decisions, communicating to your audiences, or motivating your team. Absher Construction has done a great job in establishing theirs, perhaps it's time for you to consider the same.

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